
Waheed and his sister Maryam joined the House of Flowers in 2004, when Waheed was about 7 and Maryam about 5.  At first Waheed was rough and aggressive, but gradually his true sweet and fun nature emerged. He always had a brilliant and easy smile. Waheed loved to be playful and was energetic. and rarely ever got upset. He worked hard at school and enjoyed math.

Now in 2012 he is 15 years old and in 11th grade. He has a part-time job at a microfinance office (Oxus) where he has also been assured a full-time job as a loan officer after he graduates from high school. Besides his regular school day, Waheed also takes courses in English and computer skills on the side. He is consequently very busy and gets home late. But he is a leader in the House of Flowers; the other children greatly look up to him, both literally (he’s taller than everyone now) and for his character.


To see pictures of him over the years, click on a picture and scroll through, or…

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