Supporting Health and Medical Care

MEPO was founded on the philosophy of providing medical care to those in need, and over the past 18 years MEPO has served in whatever capacity and at whatever level was needed to help people to deal with their medical concerns.

Nepal  (Clinic and Health Camps)

We began serving in Nepal in 1999 by running a free clinic in Thamel, Kathmandu. The clinic offered free medical care to rickshaw drivers, street vendors, beggars, street children, porters, and even some tourists. We provided check-ups, medicines (such as for treating worms, infections, and illnesses) , and first aid treatments (burns, cuts, injuries, etc),  and referrals for more serious cases (such as suspecting TB). This clinic ran for 3 years.

During this time, MEPO also organized teams of volunteer doctors to conduct health camps in remote areas all around the country. Villagers would gather from miles around, and the doctors would see upwards of 100 patients a day for 2-4 days, treating illnesses and injuries, and often providing funds to help serious cases travel to cities for hospital treatments. Over the 4 years of doing this work, MEPO provided services for around 5000 people in need of care.

Afghanistan (Clinics and Health Camps 

In 2000, MEPO expanded to begin addressing the Afghan crisis, and Dr. Vaziri traveled to Pakistan and Afghanistan for two summers. During this time he and Afghan medical colleagues conducted desperately needed health camps in the massive and awful Afghan refugee camps of Peshawar, Pakistan, as well as within Afghanistan during the Taliban time.

In 2002, MEPO shifted its focus entirely to Afghanistan and moved there. We opened a mother-child care clinic on the outskirts of Kabul, offering critical pre-natal, pediatric, and women’s health services to needy Afghans and returning refugees. We also supported our Afghan NGO partner in running two other clinics in outlying areas. MEPO supported clinics until 2005, when the clinics were assumed by other NGOs and continued serving people.

India (General medical care support)

India is full of people in need of medical care. In particular, over the past 5 years MEPO has focused attention in Varanasi in the slum area of Nagwa. MEPO has provided medical support to families and individuals  who have needed clinical care for issues such as TB and other serious diseases, offering to help pay their medical bills, provide them with medicine and medical advice, and visit them in the hospital and liase with their doctors.

Bangladesh  (Health Camps)

During two short trips to Bangladesh, MEPO organized small free health camps offering to see patients in poor suburbs of Dhaka.