How To Contribute Articles

Have you had an inspiration? Do you have an article that you have been wishing to circulate? That unique idea or solution that came to you in a dream or while driving to work the other day?

We are looking for articles that address issues and topics which would benefit general readers in the following categories with approaches that may range from spiritual to analytical:

education, medical, peace-related issues, child psychology, Montessori, global scenarios, project- related case studies of developing countries and cultures, women’s issues, social justice topics, philanthropy, and any new pioneering topics


  1. Articles should avoid overt use of personal and emotional language, and should not be personalized diaries. These categories of writings should go in the section of letters, thoughts and poems below.
  2. Articles can be as short as you like but should not exceed 2,000 words (lengthy articles can be posted as pdf or linked to an internet source).
  3. Articles may be posted on the MEPO website potentially for a long time, depending on the volume of new articles we receive and depending on the interest of the readership.
  4.  Please send your articles for review and posting to:

Contributing Your Letters, Poems, Thoughts or Quotes – A Forum of Hope and Ideas

If you have a favorite quote, a message for the House of Flowers and its family of supporters, a poem you’ve written or read and would like to share, or a special thought or idea that you would like to contribute to this website dialogue and exchange, please send it to us at or Contact Us. We would truly love to hear from you in order to create a forum of hope and ideas.