About Us – What is MEPO?

MEPO (Medical, Education and Peace Organization)  was founded in 1999 in Nepal by Dr. Mostafa Vaziri to serve the needy through offering medical and educational aid with the goal of fostering peace and harmony.

First, Dr. Vaziri and other MEPO doctors and volunteers served in Nepal, conducting health camps in outlying areas and running a free clinic in Kathmandu.

In 2000, MEPO’s work began to expand to include projects in Pakistan (in Afghan refugee camps) and Afghanistan.  MEPO conducted many free health camps and established mother-child health care clinics and home-schools in Afghanistan in refugee camps and in poor rural villages during the Taliban time.

In 2002, after the Taliban,  Dr. Vaziri and Allison Lide of MEPO, in collaboration with the Afghan NGO HEWAD, established the House of Flowers orphanage in Kabul. This orphanage was designed as a Montessori –based home and school for 20-30 children.  Fifteen years later, the House of Flowers continues to be a vibrant place and the focus of MEPO’s work to serve.

Helping Wherever and Whenever We Can

MEPO has organized dozens of small-scale projects in such diverse environments including Nepal, Bhutan, Sudan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Lesotho.  These projects have included community assistance (i.e. digging water wells, setting up vocational training programs, supporting micro-enterprise, etc), donations to individuals (food, money, clothes, blankets, etc.), and medical support (such as transfers of Afghan patients to Iran for surgery, free health clinics, and assistance in buying medications).

These gestures were only possible thanks to the donations of those who were in the background, providing resources because of their own desire to help. We are also indebted to those organizations who have partnered with us over the years.