Financial Report, 2013 and Projections for 2014

Below is the financial report for 2013, extracted from the annual report.Projections for 2013 are at the end:

Financial Report for the House of Flowers, 2013

From January to March 2013, the monthly budget of the House of Flowers was $5000. After March, the budget was increased to $5800 per month to cover the increased cost of living in Kabul.

Below is the average breakdown of expenses per month in 2013:

Monthly Average Expenses  2013

Salaries(1 manager, 2 teachers, 1 cook, 2 cleaning staff, 3 guards/night staff)

 $  2,350.00


 $  1,500.00


 $  1,200.00

Misc Supplies  (includes office and school supplies, clothes and shoes, medicines, cleaning supplies, hygiene supplies, kitchen equipment, etc)

 $     300.00

Energy  (electricity bill, fuel for generator and heaters)

 $     350.00

House maint.  (septic drainage, house repairs)

 $     100.00


 $  5,800.00

These are averages, since the amounts per category varied with the season and the needs of the children at various times of year.

Income Breakdown

Over 2013, sufficient funds were raised to meet all of the financial needs of the House of Flowers, with some carryover into 2014 to ensure smooth continuity of operation and the ability to increase the budget. Below is a breakdown of sources of funds over the year, and total income:

Overview and Breakdown from 2013

Individual donors (1-3 times each, average $300)

 $      49,100

Consistent donors, members (monthly)

 $     13,455

Organizations and fundraisers

 $      24,600

Foundations (grants)

 $      18,500


 $     105,655

Expenses from 2013  ($5800 x 12 months)


Carry-over to 2014 (projected through May 2014 with increased monthly budget of $6400)



Projected for 2014

  • Monthly budget: $6400  (9% increase from 2013)
  • Annual budget: $76,800
  • Unfunded portion for 2014, as of January 2014: $40,145