Critical Montessori Principles


Application in the Montessori Environment

  Work with the hands The hands are the path to the brain. At every stage, the children   should be free to create, to build. The classroom should have many activities   and materials for them to work with, and supplies such as pencils, paper,   scissors, glue, rulers, etc. should be available.
  Multi-age groups Children should be grouped by their stage, because within one stage   the children have a lot in common.

0-3 , 3-6 / 6-9, 9-12 / 12-15, 15-18

Older students have the responsibility to help the younger ones.   Younger ones will look up to the older one. This results in an environment   with more cooperation than competition.

The teacher works with small groups of children at the same level but   maybe not at the same age. This also means that children who are quick can   learn things earlier, and those who need more time can take the time they   need.

  The Freedoms This is an essential part of Montessori!!Without freedom, children   cannot fully and completely develop and become strong.
  The freedom to choose They should be able to choose what they want to work on, follow what   their interests are. But this is within limits. They donothave the freedom to hurt others, do unsafe things, or damage   things. This freedom requires responsibility. The adult must check the   situation, and if the child does not use the freedom properly, the freedom   should be taken away.
  The freedom to make mistakes Children learn most from their own mistakes. If a child is not   allowed to make mistakes, and is always told what to do, he will not become   strong in their own abilities and confidence.
  The freedom to work without unnecessary help Also here, if a child is helped to do something that they can do by   themselves, they will start to believe that they are not capable. They cannot   become strong and confident if someone is always helping them too much.
  The freedom to work without interruption A child who is concentrating and working should be given the same   respect as someone who is praying. If they are working, we should not   interrupt them, even to give compliments or praise.
  Responsibility All children, even small ones, should be given real and productive   tasks, such as jobs in the classroom, or helping younger students, or working   on committees. This is important for them to become strong, confident and   independent.
  Grace and Courtesy The Montessori environment should be a place of dignity and   hospitality. The children should take care of guests, use proper greetings,   and be polite with each other too.
  Respect, Compassion and Kindness The Montessori environment should be a place of respect. Teachers   must respect the children, children respect the adults, older children   respect the younger ones, and younger ones respect the older ones.

It must be a place of compassion and caring for each other.