20) Happy Holidays! One year later, a message from MEPO and the House of Flowers

This message was sent to donors and friends of MEPO in mid-December 2013.

An Island of Love and Harmony: The Birthday of the House of Flowers

October 2002 – present

One may ask, how could there be an island of happiness, security and love in the midst of a sea of instability and cross-fire between militaries and militias? Yet for the last eleven years our eyes, ears, and hearts have witnessed the shift from poverty, uncertainty, and negligence to vigor, vitality and passion for learning for more than 50 children in the House of Flowers. Undeniably, a magical feeling fills the House where those children have captured the hearts of the staff. Enduring the hardest financial situations while also turning down more lucrative positions, the staff have unquestionably shown their dedication to the service of these children, going beyond any conventional description of ‘holding a job’. We in MEPO strongly believe it is the power of LOVE. That also describes the conviction of the donors to the House of Flowers who have never forgotten those striving children. We salute these loving, interactive souls and hearts.

It was exactly one year ago that the House of Flowers was in grave danger of folding due to financial strain. But thanks to the responsive generosity of donors and their commitment to the Montessori model, the House survived and became even stronger. We are now undertaking our fall donation effort to build funds for next year’s budget. It is crucial that we collect funds for next year’s budget, and also to have more members who commit to monthly support. 

We hope you will be able to continue to be a part of the global network that supports these children’s lives. The future of Afghanistan is in limbo, which is why these children need our commitment more than ever.  

With gratitude to you,

Mostafa, Allison and MEPO