MEPO’s work in Nepal, blog link. And, the House of Flowers lives on!

End of June, 2015

Dear Friends,

MEPO in Nepal
Greetings from Nepal! Just a very quick email to you all from Kathmandu, where Allison and Mostafa have been helping out in some villages after the earthquake. It’s great to be back where MEPO first started its work helping those in need. There is so much to tell that we’ve started a very simple blog. Right now it’s just text plus a few photos in the first posting because of some technical challenges, but at least you can read a bit about what we’re seeing and doing with the money donated by so many caring friends, as well as read some on-the-ground perspective. The link is You can sign up to get alerts when we make posts by registering on the Follow Me link at the bottom of the blog page.
The House of Flowers Will Stay Open!
In addition, a quick update about the House of Flowers. As you know, its future has been in jeopardy. But in the past 2 months, we have had substantial pledges from some very committed individuals, and this, along with the staff’s wish to continue, even proposing their own salary reductions to reduce the budget, has made it possible to keep the House of Flowers open. We are doing our best to attain all the funds needed for the next year by the end of July, and this is very doable; we are quite close. We will also be paying back our loans, as well as redoing our systems and improving security.
So all in all, things are looking good, and we welcome everyone’s continued participation and contribution. The Kabul staff’s very strongly stated desire and commitment to keep the House open, even proposing their own pay reductions,  has given us energy and inspiration. We hope you also feel the same and will all continue to help.
With warmest regards,
Allison and Mostafa