Lots of New and Great Pictures from the House! (Oct. 28, 2014)

It’s been a bit of a quiet spell, with ‘life as usual’ at the House of Flowers: no big news, which means life is a happy normal! Around the House, Afghan politics and security issues continue to swirl, but otherwise, inside the walls of the House of Flowers, all is well.

We just received an enormous download of wonderful pictures from the House – 118 to be exact! It’s not possible to put them all on the website, but here are a bunch of them, and by seeing them all together you can get a good feel for the neat things that the children in the House are doing during their days:  shopping for new shoes, learning English, and doing a lot of Montessori education activities in math, geography, language and more.

Thank you to all of you for making this continue to happen for the children of Kabul…

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