This update was sent to our email list on March 5.
Dear Friends, In less than 3 weeks it will be New Year in Afghanistan.
The children of the House of Flowers will be getting their annual new clothes and treats on this day that corresponds with the start of spring – the perfect time to commemorate the start of a new year.
And this year will be a momentous one in Afghanistan. The pending election in April as well as the NATO troop pull-out mean that the near future is even less predictable than usual. But our staff is prepared, and they have instituted some higher security measures for the children until things are more clear.
In the House of Flowers, life goes on: the children are doing art every Saturday under the tutelage of Mohammad Sayed, a friend in Kabul who met the children through the Kabul Rotary Club. The older children (Waheed, Basir and Nadia) are preparing to graduate from high school and take their university exams to follow in Razia’s footsteps in college. The younger ones are reaching the end of their winter school holiday, which began with good report cards from the children’s local school.
As has often been the case, the House of Flowers children perform extremely well in school, largely due to the additional educational experiences they receive in the House of Flowers. The House of Flowers teachers were particularly proud of Mirwais, now in 7th grade, who received a glowing report card with high test results and very complementary comments from his teachers at the local school.
In the past couple of months a few of the children have left the House of Flowers, having to move to the provinces with extended family. We are sad to see them leave, but we have confidence that their time in the House of Flowers has given them a stronger sense of confidence, knowledge, and peace. Six new girls have entered the House of Flowers in recent weeks, so we will be getting to know them as they settle in.
The Annual Report from 2013 is posted on the website, with a full financial accounting of last year’s activities. We continue to need consistent support, especially with inflation rate in Kabul, but we’re happy to report that the House is much more financially stable.
One important website update: Wepay has stopped offering its credit card payment service to organizations such as ours, so we have switched our credit card payment system to Paypal. Monthly recurring donations can also still be set up through the new Paypal system, so please consider becoming a consistent donor/member.
Happy Spring and Happy New Year,
Allison and Mostafa