17) Music and Peace and MEPO- A Link to an Important Work (Sept.10, ’13)

Dear friends and colleagues,

We at MEPO would like to tell you about Mr. Hooshang Kamkar, one of most talented and internationally known composers of Iran. His compositions have brought the poetry of Rumi, Hafiz, Khayyam and other Persian poets closer to Iranian households, but his music is truly universal in its beauty and appeal.  His famous symphony of Rumi, performed by the Dusseldorf symphony orchestra, was recognized as a magnificent piece. And in 2003 in Oslo, the selection of his music to be performed at the Nobel Peace Prize awards in honor of Shirin Ebadi demonstrated the significance of his talents and those of his musically gifted siblings and daughter in the Kamkar group.

In his wisdom and due to his growing concerns for peace and justice in the world today, Hooshang Kamkar has recently composed a brilliant piece of music using carefully hand-picked poems (Baba Taher and Sa’di) and images. Through this piece, he is reminding us that we must not neglect our poverty-stricken and war-ravaged brothers and sisters around the world. The philosophy of MEPO, with its protocol of peace, is completely in alignment with Mr. Kamkar’s efforts to promote peace and justice in the world. We heartily praise and endorse this creative effort and invite you to share in its powerful message.

You are enthusiastically invited to listen to this remarkable 7-minute  song with its striking images by clicking on this link:  http://dl.musicema.com/video/DV.mp4

Please bear in mind this music is a statement campaigning to restore awareness for peace and justice around us and in the world. It is important, and it’s our moral obligation to forward this piece of art to others.
Here’s to the hope for a better world with every little bit we can do in our power,
Mostafa and Allison