10) Razia gets accepted to university! (March 2013)

One of the most common questions we receive about the House of Flowers is: What is the future of the children? Up until now we always had to answer rather vaguely, saying that hopefully they would continue their education, or get a good job, or something…

But now we can answer: the House of Flowers children go to college! Last week we received the wonderful news that our Razia, the oldest child of the House and the first one to join us, has passed her university entrance exam and has been accepted to join the Education College at Kabul University! (Sayed Jamaluddin College)

This is HUGELY significant, both for Razia and for the House of Flowers. She is setting an incredible example and inspiring the others. She is showing that her education was strong and successful. And she is making her own future.

It is hard to find the words express how proud we are of her, as we remember back to when she joined the House of Flowers as a scruffy 9 year old who had been taking care of her younger sisters. She didn’t even know the whole alphabet, yet was so hungry to learn that within 3 months she was in 3rd grade in school. Over the years she worked incredibly hard, and was everyone’s older sister at the House, not just the sister of Nadia and Shukria.

Now she is 19 years old, mature, strong, focused, responsible, confident. And she’s going to college!!!

These pictures are of Razia in 2002 when she first joined us,  and in 2012, a few months before she was accepted at university. For more pictures of Razia over the years, click here.

We will be exploring ways to find support for her education. And following in her footsteps will be her sister Nadia, and the boys Waheed and Basir who are all in 11th grade this year. . So next year we will hopefully have four children in college, and we will be searching for support for them. So if you are interested, please let us know!